Recommended by: The "Wine Jukebox" at the Wine Gallery
Tasting notes: Fruit forward and enjoyable. Hints of cranberry and cherry, but by no means complex. A yummy basic California red, especially with pizza.
Rating: 6/10
Great wine on a budget (with an occasional splurge)
I tried the '04 (couldn't find the '03) and was blown away! This is one of the best blends we have ever had!
We love CA blends and have tried them all, the Red Trucks to the more expensive ones and for our dollar this is just phenomenal! Thanks for teh recommendation and be sure to try the '04! I am curious to knwo how it compares.
PS. The White was great too, and we don't even drink white!
I tried the 03 and fell in love. Anyone know where you can buy it or ship to Mass?
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